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БОТ, мило сидящий по ночам на канале

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Ну собсна я, как вы уже заметили стараюсь обеспечить круглосуточное пребывания бота на канале. Но так как я сам тоже играю в вар, а именно в доту, а ключей вторых у меня нет и покупать я ничего не планирую, поэтому бот сидит только по ночам.
Кароче нужны ключи от рока и тфт. После чего я уже буду добавлять всякие различные настройки, добавлять команды. Если же мне выделят 2 пары ключей, то будет второй бот, который будет проводить викторину.
З.Ы. всё это делается в интересах игроков клана игрового журнала навигатор игрового мира. :Р


Парни, а если мы дадим Бомбуку пасс от чьей-нибудь кредитки, то он еще начнет платить игрокам зарплату. И все это исключительно в интересах клана!


просто дайте ключики :Р сидикеи от вара


Думаю, что многих интересует полный список команд для бота, поэтому выкладываю его:


.find - alias .whois: Displays the requested user's access to the bot.

.about - alias .ver: Displays the bot's version information.

.server - no aliases: Displays the server the bot is connected to.

.add <username> <access> <flags> - alias .set: Adds a user (<username>) to the bot's access list with access <access> (10-998) and/or <flags> (A - Z)

.whoami : Displays the access of the person using the command.

.cq : Clears the bot's queue! Useful if your bot is stuck spamming many messages, banning many people, or the like.

.designated - Displays the user that the bot last designated.

.flip - Flips a coin.

.findflag / .findattr <flag> : Lists all users with the specified flag.

.roll : Generates a random number between 0 and 100.

.roll <number> : Generates a random number between 0 and <number>.


.time - no aliases: Displays the current time and date on the computer.

?trigger - no aliases: Displays the bot's current trigger.

.pingme / .getping : Returns the ping of the person who used the command.


.say <message> - no aliases: Repeats the message following the command.

.shout <message> - Repeats the message following the command in all uppercase. ;)

.ignore <username> alias .ign : Squelches the <username>.

.unignore <username> - no aliases: Unsquelches the <username>.

.addquote <quote> - no aliases: Adds the <quote> to the quotes.txt file.

.quote - no aliases: Displays a randomly selected quote from the quotes.txt file.

.away - no aliases: Turns /away mode on.

.back - no aliases: Turns /away mode off.

.ping <username>: Retrieves <username>'s current ping.

.uptime: Displays the computer's uptime and the time since the bot logged on.

.mp3: Displays the MP3 that Winamp [VERSION 2.9 AND BELOW] is playing.

.mail <username> <message>: Adds mail to the mail queue for <username>.

.vote <duration> : Begins a general vote lasting <duration> seconds.

.voteban <username> : Begins a 30-second voteban vote. If the vote passes, the user is banned.

.votekick <username> : Begins a 30-second votekick vote. If the vote passes, the user is kicked.

.tally : Displays the current results of the active vote.

.info <username> : Displays information available on the specified user: time in channel, product, ping, flags.

.scq : Silently clears the queue.

.expand <text> : Adds spaces in between each letter of a specified phrase.

.where : Replies in a whisper as to the bot's current channel.


.kick <username> <message>: Kicks <username> with <message>. Accepts wildcards (*)

.ban <username> <message>: Bans <username> with <message>. Acceps wildcards (*)

.unban <username>: unbans <username>.

.lastwhisper: Displays the username of the last person who messaged the bot.

.define <term> alias .def : Defines <term>.

.fadd <user> : Adds <user> to the account's friends list.

.frem <user> : Removes <user> from the accuont's friends list.

.bancount : Returns the number of users banned since the bot joined the channel.

.allseen : Returns the names of the last 15 people the bot has seen.

.levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Warcraft III level-based banning.

.d2levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Diablo II level-based banning.

.tagcheck <expression> : Returns any tagbans that the specified expression matches.

ACCESS LEVEL 70 (now it's getting good!)

.shitlist <user> aliases .pban .shitadd : Adds the user to the shitlist.

.shitlist all by itself: Lists the users in the shitlist.

.shitdel <user> : Removes the user from the shitlist.

.safeadd <user> aliases .safelist <user> : Adds a user or tag to the safelist.

.safedel <user> : Removes an item from the safelist.

.safelist all by itself: Lists the users and tags in the safelist.

.tagbans : Lists tagbans

.tagadd aliases .tagban .addtag : Adds a tag to the tagbans list

.tagdel : Deletes a tag from the tagbans list

.protect on/off : Turns Lockdown on or off, all users in the channel or that join the channel and are not safelisted or with access less than 20 will be banned.

.mimic <username> : Repeats everything that the person says.

.nomimic : Turns Mimic off.

.check <username> : Checks the user monitor to see if <username> is online.

.online : Lists the users currently "ONLINE" on the User Monitor.

.monitor <username> : Adds <username> to the monitor.

.unmonitor <username> : Removes <username> from the monitor.

(Custom Commands)

.cmdadd <r> <q> <a> alias .addcmd: Adds Custom Commands. Click here for more information.

.cmddel <commandname> alias .delcmd: Deletes Custom Commands.

.cmdlist alias .listcmds : Lists the current custom commands and their required access levels.


.plist / .phrases : Lists currently banned phrases.

.padd / .addphrase : Adds a phrase to the PhraseBans list.

.pdel / .delphrase : Deletes a PhraseBan.

.phrasebans (on/off/status) : Enables, disables, or displays the status of PhraseBans.

.pon / .poff - Enables/disables phrasebans.

.pstatus - Same as .phrasebans status.

.ipban <username> - IPBans the specified username.

.unipban <username> - Un-IPBans the specified username.

.ipbans (on/off/status) - Enables, disables, or displays the status of IPBans.

.banned - Displays a list of users that have been banned.

.setpmsg - Sets the message used to ban users during Channel Protection.

.notify <username> : Uses the bot's User Monitor to watch for when a user has signed on

.denotify <username> : Deactivates notifications for a specific user.

.mmail <flags> <message> : Botmails all users with <flags> flags the specified <message>.

.mmail <access> <message> : Botmails all users with <access> the specified <message>.


.reconnect : Disconnects, pauses, then reconnects the bot.

.des <user> alias .designate: Designates the user.

.rejoin : Rejoins the channel.

.settrigger <trigger> : Sets the bot trigger.

.igpriv / .unigpriv : Runs the "/o igpriv" or "/o unigpriv" command. Don't use this unless you know what it does.

.rem <user> : Removes a user from the access list.

.next : Plays the next track in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]

.stop : Stops Winamp [All versions except 3.X]

.play : Starts play in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]

.play <tracknumber> : Plays the specified track in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]

Both Play commands do not have responses anymore to reduce spam.

.play <track name> : Plays the specified track, by name, in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]

.setvol <volume> : Sets Winamp's current volume. (0-100) [All versions except 3.X]

.fos : Runs a Fade-Out Stop in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]

.pause : Pauses Winamp [All versions except 3.X]

.sethome : Sets the bot's home channel.

.idle on/off : Turns idle messages on or off.

.setidle <message> : changes the idle message.

.idletype [quote, mp3, uptime, msg, message] : Changes the idle type setting.

.idletime [minutes] : Changes the time between idle messages.

.block <username>: If filtering is on, blocks messages from that username(s). Accepts wildcards (*)

.filter <message> : If filtering is on, messages containing this phrase will be blocked.

.whispercmds : Toggles whispering of command responses. If they're on, they get turned off by the command, and vice versa.

.profile <username> : Displays any user's profile to the channel. WARNING: If a person's description is more than one line long, it will not be displayed, and if it's long enough it will DISCONNECT THE BOT! Use with caution.

.greet <message> : Sets the channel join greeting message.

.greet off : Disables the channel join greeting message.

.levelban <level> : Sets or eliminates the current Warcraft III LevelBan level.

.d2levelban <level> : Sets or eliminates the current Diablo II LevelBan level.

.clist/.clientbans/.cbans: Displays the current ClientBans.

.cadd <client> alias .addclient : Adds a ClientBan.

.cdel <client> alias .delclient : Removes a ClientBan.

.koy on / off : Enables/disables Kick-On-Yell.

.plugban on / off / status : Enables/disables/displays the status of banning of users with UDP plugs (flags of 16).

.useitunes : Causes play, stop, next, back/prev, and pause commands to talk to iTunes instead of Winamp.

.useewinamp : Reverts the abovementioned commands back to Winamp control.


.join <channel> : Joins the specified channel.

.home alias .joinhome : Joins the bot's home channel.

.resign : The bot relinquishes ops.

.setname <name> : Sets the bot's username to <name>.

.setpass <pass> : Sets the bot's password to <pass>.

.setserver <server> : Sets the bot's server to <server>.

.setkey <cdkey> : Sets the bot's current cdkey to <cdkey>, automatically replaces hypens and spaces.

.setexpkey <cdkey> : Sets the bot's current expansion (LOD or Frozen Throne) cdkey to <cdkey>, same as above.

.quiettime <on>, <off>, <status> alias .qt : Enables, disables, or displays the status of QuietTime. (QuietTime bans any users who aren't safelisted and talk.)

.giveup <username> alias .op :Designates, then resigns ops to the specified user.

.readfile <filename> : Reads a specified text file. The file must be present in the bot's folder.

.chpw <arguments> : Channel Passwording commands are as follows:

-- .chpw on <password> : Activates channel passwording and sets the password to <password>. If no delay has been previously set, it will use the default 30 seconds.
-- .chpw off / kill : Deactivates channel passwording and erases the channel password.
-- .chpw delay <value> : Sets the amount of time given to whisper a valid password (in seconds).
-- .chpw info : Displays the current status of channel passwording.

.ib <arguments> / .idlebans <arguments> : IdleBan arguments are as follows:

-- .ib on <optional delay> : Activates IdleBans. If no delay is specified, the default of 400 will be used.
-- .ib off : Disables IdleBans.
-- .ib delay <value> : Sets the amount of time before idle users are banned (in seconds).
-- .ib status : Displays the status of idlebans.
-- .ib kick <on/off> : Determines whether or not the idle user will be KICKED or BANNED.

.cb / .sweepban <channelname> : Bans every user in the specified channel.

.cs / .sweepsquelch <channelname> : Squelches and IPbans every user in the specified channel.

.setmotd <message> : Sets the Warcraft III Clan channel Message of the Day.

.invite <username> : Invites a Warcraft III user to join your clan.

.clan <private / public> : Changes the status of your Warcraft III Clan channel. Private status allows only members to join, public status is open to everyone.

.peonban <on / off / status> : Retrieves the status of, activates and deactivates banning of Warcraft III users with the Peon icon.

.exile <username> <message> : Shitlists the specified user, then IP-bans them.

.unexile <username> : Reverses the effects of "exile".

.clearbanlist / .cbl : Clears the list of Banned users. Use this if you are having problems with overzealos Ban Evasion.

.c pub / .c priv : Sets your clan channel to Public or Private status in less letters than ever before. ;)


.quit : Quits the program.

.locktext : Locks the chat window.

.efp/.floodmode on/off/status : Emergency Floodbot Protection, covered elsewhere in this readme

.loadwinamp : Attempts to load Winamp from its default directory (C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe) or from one you specify by adding a WinampPath= line to the [Other] section of the config.ini file.

зы несту запрещается трогать бота =)
зыы триггер не ".", а "!", потому что точка это слишком бонально
зыыы Dieselboy, я поставил тебе аксесс, чтобы ты добавлял команды


.find - alias .whois: Displays the requested user's access to the bot.
.about - alias .ver: Displays the bot's version information.
.server - no aliases: Displays the server the bot is connected to.
.add <username> <access> <flags> - alias .set: Adds a user (<username>) to the bot's access list with access <access> (10-998) and/or <flags> (A - Z)
.whoami : Displays the access of the person using the command.
.cq : Clears the bot's queue! Useful if your bot is stuck spamming many messages, banning many people, or the like.
.designated - Displays the user that the bot last designated.
.flip - Flips a coin.
.findflag / .findattr <flag> : Lists all users with the specified flag.
.roll : Generates a random number between 0 and 100.
.roll <number> : Generates a random number between 0 and <number>.
.time - no aliases: Displays the current time and date on the computer.
?trigger - no aliases: Displays the bot's current trigger.
.pingme / .getping : Returns the ping of the person who used the command.
.say <message> - no aliases: Repeats the message following the command.
.shout <message> - Repeats the message following the command in all uppercase.
.ignore <username> alias .ign : Squelches the <username>.
.unignore <username> - no aliases: Unsquelches the <username>.
.addquote <quote> - no aliases: Adds the <quote> to the quotes.txt file.
.quote - no aliases: Displays a randomly selected quote from the quotes.txt file.
.away - no aliases: Turns /away mode on.
.back - no aliases: Turns /away mode off.
.ping <username>: Retrieves <username>'s current ping.
.uptime: Displays the computer's uptime and the time since the bot logged on.
.mp3: Displays the MP3 that Winamp [VERSION 2.9 AND BELOW] is playing.
.mail <username> <message>: Adds mail to the mail queue for <username>.
.vote <duration> : Begins a general vote lasting <duration> seconds.
.voteban <username> : Begins a 30-second voteban vote. If the vote passes, the user is banned.
.votekick <username> : Begins a 30-second votekick vote. If the vote passes, the user is kicked.
.tally : Displays the current results of the active vote.
.info <username> : Displays information available on the specified user: time in channel, product, ping, flags.
.scq : Silently clears the queue.
.expand <text> : Adds spaces in between each letter of a specified phrase.
.where : Replies in a whisper as to the bot's current channel.
.kick <username> <message>: Kicks <username> with <message>. Accepts wildcards (*)
.ban <username> <message>: Bans <username> with <message>. Acceps wildcards (*)
.unban <username>: unbans <username>.
.lastwhisper: Displays the username of the last person who messaged the bot.
.define <term> alias .def : Defines <term>.
.fadd <user> : Adds <user> to the account's friends list.
.frem <user> : Removes <user> from the accuont's friends list.
.bancount : Returns the number of users banned since the bot joined the channel.
.allseen : Returns the names of the last 15 people the bot has seen.
.levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Warcraft III level-based banning.
.d2levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Diablo II level-based banning.
.tagcheck <expression> : Returns any tagbans that the specified expression matches.
ACCESS LEVEL 70 (now it's getting good!)
.shitlist <user> aliases .pban .shitadd : Adds the user to the shitlist.
.shitlist all by itself: Lists the users in the shitlist.
.shitdel <user> : Removes the user from the shitlist.
.safeadd <user> aliases .safelist <user> : Adds a user or tag to the safelist.
.safedel <user> : Removes an item from the safelist.
.safelist all by itself: Lists the users and tags in the safelist.
.tagbans : Lists tagbans
.tagadd aliases .tagban .addtag : Adds a tag to the tagbans list
.tagdel : Deletes a tag from the tagbans list
.protect on/off : Turns Lockdown on or off, all users in the channel or that join the channel and are not safelisted or with access less than 20 will be banned.
.mimic <username> : Repeats everything that the person says.
.nomimic : Turns Mimic off.
.check <username> : Checks the user monitor to see if <username> is online.
.online : Lists the users currently "ONLINE" on the User Monitor.
.monitor <username> : Adds <username> to the monitor.
.unmonitor <username> : Removes <username> from the monitor.
(Custom Commands)
.cmdadd <r> <q> <a> alias .addcmd: Adds Custom Commands. Click here for more information.
.cmddel <commandname> alias .delcmd: Deletes Custom Commands.
.cmdlist alias .listcmds : Lists the current custom commands and their required access levels.
.plist / .phrases : Lists currently banned phrases.
.padd / .addphrase : Adds a phrase to the PhraseBans list.
.pdel / .delphrase : Deletes a PhraseBan.
.phrasebans (on/off/status) : Enables, disables, or displays the status of PhraseBans.
.pon / .poff - Enables/disables phrasebans.
.pstatus - Same as .phrasebans status.
.ipban <username> - IPBans the specified username.
.unipban <username> - Un-IPBans the specified username.
.ipbans (on/off/status) - Enables, disables, or displays the status of IPBans.
.banned - Displays a list of users that have been banned.
.setpmsg - Sets the message used to ban users during Channel Protection.
.notify <username> : Uses the bot's User Monitor to watch for when a user has signed on
.denotify <username> : Deactivates notifications for a specific user.
.mmail <flags> <message> : Botmails all users with <flags> flags the specified <message>.
.mmail <access> <message> : Botmails all users with <access> the specified <message>.
.reconnect : Disconnects, pauses, then reconnects the bot.
.des <user> alias .designate: Designates the user.
.rejoin : Rejoins the channel.
.settrigger <trigger> : Sets the bot trigger.
.igpriv / .unigpriv : Runs the "/o igpriv" or "/o unigpriv" command. Don't use this unless you know what it does.
.rem <user> : Removes a user from the access list.
.next : Plays the next track in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.stop : Stops Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.play : Starts play in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.play <tracknumber> : Plays the specified track in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
Both Play commands do not have responses anymore to reduce spam.
.play <track name> : Plays the specified track, by name, in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.setvol <volume> : Sets Winamp's current volume. (0-100) [All versions except 3.X]
.fos : Runs a Fade-Out Stop in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.pause : Pauses Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.sethome : Sets the bot's home channel.
.idle on/off : Turns idle messages on or off.
.setidle <message> : changes the idle message.
.idletype [quote, mp3, uptime, msg, message] : Changes the idle type setting.
.idletime [minutes] : Changes the time between idle messages.
.block <username>: If filtering is on, blocks messages from that username(s). Accepts wildcards (*)
.filter <message> : If filtering is on, messages containing this phrase will be blocked.
.whispercmds : Toggles whispering of command responses. If they're on, they get turned off by the command, and vice versa.
.profile <username> : Displays any user's profile to the channel. WARNING: If a person's description is more than one line long, it will not be displayed, and if it's long enough it will DISCONNECT THE BOT! Use with caution.
.greet <message> : Sets the channel join greeting message.
.greet off : Disables the channel join greeting message.
.levelban <level> : Sets or eliminates the current Warcraft III LevelBan level.
.d2levelban <level> : Sets or eliminates the current Diablo II LevelBan level.
.clist/.clientbans/.cbans: Displays the current ClientBans.
.cadd <client> alias .addclient : Adds a ClientBan.
.cdel <client> alias .delclient : Removes a ClientBan.
.koy on / off : Enables/disables Kick-On-Yell.
.plugban on / off / status : Enables/disables/displays the status of banning of users with UDP plugs (flags of 16).
.useitunes : Causes play, stop, next, back/prev, and pause commands to talk to iTunes instead of Winamp.
.useewinamp : Reverts the abovementioned commands back to Winamp control.
.join <channel> : Joins the specified channel.
.home alias .joinhome : Joins the bot's home channel.
.resign : The bot relinquishes ops.
.setname <name> : Sets the bot's username to <name>.
.setpass <pass> : Sets the bot's password to <pass>.
.setserver <server> : Sets the bot's server to <server>.
.setkey <cdkey> : Sets the bot's current cdkey to <cdkey>, automatically replaces hypens and spaces.
.setexpkey <cdkey> : Sets the bot's current expansion (LOD or Frozen Throne) cdkey to <cdkey>, same as above.
.quiettime <on>, <off>, <status> alias .qt : Enables, disables, or displays the status of QuietTime. (QuietTime bans any users who aren't safelisted and talk.)
.giveup <username> alias .op :Designates, then resigns ops to the specified user.
.readfile <filename> : Reads a specified text file. The file must be present in the bot's folder.
.chpw <arguments> : Channel Passwording commands are as follows:
-- .chpw on <password> : Activates channel passwording and sets the password to <password>. If no delay has been previously set, it will use the default 30 seconds.
-- .chpw off / kill : Deactivates channel passwording and erases the channel password.
-- .chpw delay <value> : Sets the amount of time given to whisper a valid password (in seconds).
-- .chpw info : Displays the current status of channel passwording.
.ib <arguments> / .idlebans <arguments> : IdleBan arguments are as follows:
-- .ib on <optional delay> : Activates IdleBans. If no delay is specified, the default of 400 will be used.
-- .ib off : Disables IdleBans.
-- .ib delay <value> : Sets the amount of time before idle users are banned (in seconds).
-- .ib status : Displays the status of idlebans.
-- .ib kick <on/off> : Determines whether or not the idle user will be KICKED or BANNED.
.cb / .sweepban <channelname> : Bans every user in the specified channel.
.cs / .sweepsquelch <channelname> : Squelches and IPbans every user in the specified channel.
.setmotd <message> : Sets the Warcraft III Clan channel Message of the Day.
.invite <username> : Invites a Warcraft III user to join your clan.
.clan <private / public> : Changes the status of your Warcraft III Clan channel. Private status allows only members to join, public status is open to everyone.
.peonban <on / off / status> : Retrieves the status of, activates and deactivates banning of Warcraft III users with the Peon icon.
.exile <username> <message> : Shitlists the specified user, then IP-bans them.
.unexile <username> : Reverses the effects of "exile".
.clearbanlist / .cbl : Clears the list of Banned users. Use this if you are having problems with overzealos Ban Evasion.
.c pub / .c priv : Sets your clan channel to Public or Private status in less letters than ever before.
.quit : Quits the program.
.locktext : Locks the chat window.
.efp/.floodmode on/off/status : Emergency Floodbot Protection, covered elsewhere in this readme
.loadwinamp : Attempts to load Winamp from its default directory (C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe) or from one you specify by adding a WinampPath= line to the [Other] section of the config.ini file.

БОЙАН СТОЛЕТНЕЙ ДАВНОСТИ!!! уже это выкладывал на предыдущем форуме :Р




а как же сайт на юкозе?


хуле билять ты мат закрыл, условий не читал?! :Р


Zak я даже не знаю, что можно к такому количеству команд добавить ))) ГЖ!!!!


Зак, нужно как-нибудь сделать, чтобы через этакое меню, человек, сидящий на канале мог увидеть все команды, которые можно делать с аксесом 0
Добавил команды !вождь !шаманы


нада для начала надыбать сидикеи. Есть кароче идея: ща зарегаю кошелек и все дружно скинемся в него, потом я пойду куплю варики и все будут довольны :Р
по мне так гениальная идея :Р


мой бот сидит тока ночью, так как я сижу дома и задрачиваю во всякую хуерту, типа доты :Р


надо глора разводить
зы щас прям все взяли и скинули денежку огаога


а ты можешь протсо скинуть мне денежку, я  в 2х метрах от тебя :Р


а может добавить к каждой команде дублера .куоте
для того чтобы разнообразить общение дибальными афоризмами
ч0 па ч0м?
да нет?


хмм не знаю... решай сам )) если не понравится - вырубишь )


блин, вы почему тривию не вырубили? они сами не остановится их же 2, поэтому дискнуло обоих

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